Italian carob is also useful for stopping simple diarrhea. I suggest drinking a tablespoon of carob in a cup of hot or cold water.Carob of italy is an evergreen flowering shrub, belonging to the pea family. The Evergreen Carob (aka locust tree), is mainly found in Mediterranean countries and found wherever citrus or olive trees are grown, (warm and dry climates). Many carobs were planted in Texas, Arizona, California and a few in Florida as ornamental and street trees. The pod’s fruit is technically a legume and commonly used as a chocolate alternative, but it has many applications in the food industry. Carob exporter is high in nutrients, antioxidants, and fibe
Carob powder exporter can replace chocolate or cocoa in any recipe. A chocolate baking square equals about three tablespoons of carob powder.Carob is often used as a substitute for chocolate for who have chocolate allergies, but aside from being a suitable chocolate substitute there are some great health benefits of carob. Carob is a pod that was originally cultivated in the Eastern Mediterranean. It has a sweet flavor that is very tasty and is similar to chocolate, which makes it a great chocolate substitute. While it is a chocolate substitute, there are many health benefits of Italian carob that make it a great treat to eat even if you don’t have a chocolate allergy.
Export carob of italy comes in separate male and female trees. Flowers of the male are stamen clusters with pollen, producing a very strong odor, while the female produces small, yellow, aromatic flowers (pistals), grouped in clusters. Both male and female flowers produce nectar and attract large numbers of insects. As they are unable to self-pollinate, this is a task left to insects, bees and the wind. Italian Carob (Ceratonia siliqua) is a natural substance sometimes used in treatment of high cholesterol. The fruit of an evergreen tree native to Mediterranean regions, carob is rich in fiber. When used to treat high cholesterol, carob is typically consumed in pulp form.
Carob exporter contains antioxidants, fiber, and is rich in calcium and phosphorus which helps fight osteoporosis. Benefits of Carob also include gallic acid, which has been used to prevent or treat polio in children. Gallic acid is a tannin, has anti viral, anti fungal, and antibacterial qualities. Carob is rich in vitamin E, which helps stave off influenza. Carob also aids in digestive health, lowers cholesterol, and can help people regulate their body weight. It is non allergenic, gluten-free, does not contain caffeine or theobromine (both found in chocolate), and can be used as a 1:1 replacement for chocolate in recipes. It’s important to note that carob does not taste exactly like chocolate–it is typically used because of the brown color, which has an impact on how your food tastes. It can be found in any health food store, and is fairly inexpensive.
Carob of italy can also be used as a sugar substitute, since it is almost 50% natural sugar. Use it in bread, waffles, cakes, pies, pancakes, hot or cold cereals, or muffins. If the flavor is too “carob-y,” then use part carob and part other sweetener, such as honey. Since carob does not contain any caffeine, they are ideal to be used in patients with high blood pressure.Regular use can bring about Italian carob health benefits like prevention of lung cancer.Can be used successfully in treating flu, cough and anemia.
Many benefits of carob like analgesic, anti allergic, antiviral, antiseptic, antibacterial etc are due to the presence of gallic acid in them.Gallic acid has been found to be effective against the polio virus and can aid in prevention of the debilitating and irreversible disease. Italian Carob should be okay to eat. I wouldn’t even classify it as an Occasional Indulgence; it’s pretty inoffensive, if entirely unexciting. It is exceedingly high in fiber, though – in a cup of carob powder, 41 of the 91 carbohydrate grams come from insoluble fiber – so anyone with existing or suspected GI disorders like IBS might want to hold off on carob. Or not eat a cup of it at once.