Thyme Leaves Suppliers



• We are one of Moroccan's leading Thyme leaves Suppliers, Wholesale Thyme Suppliers and Pure Dried Thyme Exporter. Building on this experience, we have developed an innovative approach to source and supply one of the world's largest range of Organic Plant ingredients.


Export Thyme Leaves
dried thyme leaves exporters
The exporter of thyme plant is a perennial shrub with thin woody base, and square stems. It reaches about 15 to 30 cm in length, featuring very small, light green colored, paler underneath, slightly curved aromatic leaves. Tiny, fragrant rich, lilac or white color flowers appear in summer.herb used in medicine by the Greeks, the Egyptians and the Romans and is an evergreen perennial shrub that grows up to 45 cm (18 inches) high, with a woody root system, much-branched stem, small elliptical greenish gray aromatic leaves and pale purple or white flowers

The other commonly grown varieties of thyme are lemon thyme (T.x citriodora), caraway thyme (T. herba barona) and wild thyme (T. septyllum). Either leaves as well as flowering tips; fresh or dried used for culinary purposes.Thyme leaves exporter are curled, elliptically shaped and very small, measuring about one-eighth of an inch long and one-sixteenth of an inch wide. The upper leaf is green-grey in color on top, while the underside is a whitish color. Along with fresh sprigs of parsley and bay leaves, thyme is included in the French combination of herbs called bouquet garni used to season stock, stews and soups. Thyme leaves can assist with nervous complaints, respiratory problems, poor circulation and problems of the digestive system and the urinary tract.

Thyme leaves export has been in use since the time of the Romans. Both red and white thyme leaves are manufactured commercially and are in products ranging from cough drops to perfumes. White thyme leaves is made by re-distilling red thyme leaves. Red thyme leaves has a higher amount of phenols, which the leaves are prized for, but is more expensive than white thyme leaves.

Exporter of thyme leaves is used to relieve and treat problems like gout, arthritis, wounds, bites, and sores, water retention, menstrual and menopausal problems, nausea and fatigue, respiratory problems (like colds), skin conditions (leavesy skin and scars), athlete’s foot, hangovers, and even depression.exporter of Thyme leaves exporter also tones up the circulatory system, heart, digestive system, nervous system, muscles, and skin while fortifying them and boosting immunity.Thyme leaves should not be used directly on skin, as it can cause sensitization. It must be first diluted with a carrier leaves (like olive leaves or almond leaves). Before use, test on a small area to see if you have any allergies

Thyme herb is packed with numerous health benefiting phyto-nutrients (plant derived compounds), minerals and vitamins that are essential for wellness. One of the popular among culinary herb plants, thyme originally is native to the southern Europe and Mediterranean regions.Thyme herb imparts intense flavor to the recipes, and therefore, should be added sparingly. In order to keep its fragrance and flavor intact, thyme herb exporter is generally added at the last moment in the cooking recipes. This is because, prolonged cooking results in evaporation of its leaves

Thyme leaves is beneficial to boost the immune system and can help fight colds, flu, infectious diseases and chills and as a urinary antiseptic, it is very helpful for cystitis and urethritis.Botanically, it belongs to the family of Limiaceae, in the genus of thymus, which includes many subspecies among which the most popular variety is Thymus vulgaris or French thyme. Thymol—named after the herb itself—is the primary volatile leaves constituent of thyme exporter, and its health-supporting effects are well documented. In studies on aging in rats, thymol has been found to protect and significantly increase the percentage of healthy fats found in cell membranes and other cell structures. In particular, the amount of DHA (docosahexaenoic acid, an omega-3 fatty acid) in brain, kidney, and heart cell membranes was increased after dietary supplementation with thyme. In other studies looking more closely at changes in the brains cells themselves, researchers found that the maximum benefits of thyme occurred when the food was introduced very early in the lifecycle of the rats, but was less effective in offsetting the problems in brain cell aging when introduced late in the aging process.


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